Greatest Fears - Bethany Style


Holy smokes, where do I even begin?? I was so gullible as a child (well, I suppose I still am, though I prefer the term "trusting") and I was just such an easy target.

I remember a hole in the wall of our front room - the doorknob had rammed into the wall a few too many times and left a hole just big enough to put the tip of your finger through. I thought spiders lived in there, and I'm pretty sure all three of my older brothers verified it for me at one point or another. I avoided that thing like the plague.

There was also a hole in the ceiling of our downstairs bathroom from water that had leaked near the shower. Every time I stepped into the shower, I was ducking, leaning away from and looking like an idiot trying to keep away from that thing. Spiders lived there, too, you know. I was sure of it.

Then, the Petersen girls were staying at our house for a week or so, and TiNille told me a ghost story about a doll that came to life every night and eventually killed it's innocent girl owner. I was holding my very favorite doll, and she told me it LOOKED JUST THAT LIKE ONE!!! I nearly died crying from fright. I'm pretty sure my mom wasn't too thrilled with this one, as I never played with that dolly ever again. (I'm over it now. Love you, TiNille!)

I don't think I was ever really afraid of the boogey man or monsters in the closet (that I can remember), mostly just spiders, dolls and clowns.

Which reminds me, Stephen King's "IT" ruined me for life. I was so stupid to watch that show (over and over, no less) when I was a tweenager (I swear it was because I thought the kid who played the main character was so cute! What are they doing casting such cute boys in a show young girls should not be watching?!!). Sewer drains and showers were both incredibly difficult for me to maneuver for a long, long time after that whole phase.

I'm sure there is much, much more, but these are the things that first came to mind.

And Nick, I don't mind having this blog public. Anyone who may stumble upon it wouldn't know what in the world we were talking about in the first place! Love you all!


Kris said...

thanks for sharing Bethany. brothers huh?
I think however that Courtnie was probably the scarey story teller in our house.

Anonymous said...

I remember watching IT at your house! I was scared to death of it and of sink drains from then kids saw the movie a few months back and asked to watch it--NO WAY and never again!:)

Love ya Beth!

Cassie said...

I remember sneaking down the stairs while you were having a sleepover with your friends and you were watching "IT"....All I saw was the scene where the shower turns off by itself....
Aaaaaaaannndd that's all I needed to see of that movie to make me wanna wet my pants. To this day I've never seen it.

Courtnie said...

Yes I was. Anything to get those boys goin!!

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