As a Child?


Nothing could be more frightening than this; even if it happened to me as an adult. Still shaken by it all.((((0))))

I was in my bedroom looking for some arrows (“authentic” indian arrows) I had purchased at the Delta Motel. I could have sworn I placed them on top of the very high bookcase in my bedroom.

While I couldn't stand on my tiptoes and see if they were there, I could get on my bed and more than likely see them very clearly.

As I got onto my bed, I jumped just a bit to see if they were way back in the back, and just as I jumped again, **Boom Boom*

I felt the stinging pain on the back of my head certain that I had been shot (You see; squirmy, shifty looking characters had earlier been to my house trying to sell me their best cleaning agent).

Nick heard me cry out in my pain and came into my room asking what had happened. "I've been shot", I cried holding my head waiting for the blood to start flowing.

Nick had a look on his face that I couldn't quite describe, but as I looked up from my bed, I heard the whirr of my ceiling fan………………...

Strange but True

Frightening Video


For those of you who didn't know this, about every Summer I would go down to Cedar City and spend a week with Sarah and she would come and spend a week with me in American Fork. (Great times by the way ) :)
Well one year they showed me this extremely disturbing home video. It was of Robert in the extremely early morning stumbling around with nothing but a pail to hold on to. He wasn't acting like himself and I wasn't even sure he was fully awake. He seemed to be in some sort of daze......

Oh wait, that wasn't scary.....

THAT WAS FREAKING *HILARIOUS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For anyone who remembers this video (which would most likely be the Petersen's) you HAVE to go into further detail about how he was acting cause I am still laughing my guts out remembering that video of him going out to milk the cow. SO VERY FUNNY!

Greatest fears


The Boogey man was my greatest fear growing up. My brothers made it worse by grabbing my feet while hiding under my bed. Getting of my bed I would try and jump off of it and land as far as I could away from it and then take off running. I was sure he lived under there! Also dead legs- I feared those too! thanks to my mean brothers that would sneak up and give a good one when you least expect it!

What haunts me....


I don't know where this fear developed, but it is something that STILL gets to me to this day. I HATE the idea of being watched. I absolutely, positively CANNOT sleep with the closet door, the bedroom door or the window open. Well, let me rephrase, if it's a gap bigger than about four or five inches I can handle it, cause in my mind I feel that I would be able to see if someone was standing there watching me.
I know it's sounds lame, but picture this if you will. You're all settled down in your bed, lights are all off, not a sound to be heard, you're all snuggled up in your pillow and you're safely tucked in your covers. Or are you? Suddenly you hear the tiniest whisper, so your head pops up to look about. Nothing's there, all is as it was, except.....the bedroom door is open the tiniest of bits. Was it like that before? You couldn't say. You don't remember, and your brain is racing to figure out whether you shut it all the way or if the door being slightly ajar was your own doing. But, no, it couldn't have been you. It had to have been someone else... Right? Could someone have climbed into your house, gone creeping down the hall, to stop at your door and stare at you? Someone with perhaps a plain white eye and the tiniest dot of pupil? Someone with stretched scarring all around that massive eye? Someone who's skin is beyond wrinkled that it just sags, and their teeth all rotted and decayed so their mouth is nothing but a dark hole with sharp, yellow bits here and there? Someone drooling as they take short, shallow breaths which whisper into your darkened bedroom? All while they watch you? Could this possibly be?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that yes, yes, it COULD possibly the life and times of me. I absolutely psych myself out, which happens when you have an overactive imagination, but is it not completely creepy??!!?! It gives me the shivers. YUCK-O!!!!
So my way of dealing with this issue is to tuck the covers up and around my head, leaving only enough room to breathe, of course, and turn my back to the side of the bed. Because, obviously, if I can't see them, they can't see me, right? RIGHT??? Right. That's what I thought. :)

My fears are positively more psychological than anything else, but I also remember being very afraid of our "spider bathroom" to which Bethany mentioned earlier. I was afraid they would always creep into my bedroom and just wait there for me. I remember one time I saw this dark spot on my wall and I knew, I KNEW, it was a big ol' spider. It had to be. So I actually got up the courage to kill it myself. I call it courage, but perhaps it was the lesser of two fears. I weighed my options. I could kill the spider myself or I could call out to my parents or siblings to kill it for me, even though they would most likely be super upset that I was even awake when I should've been asleep ages ago. So, kill the spider myself was what won out. I reached down the side of my bed, grabbed my sister's shoe ( I would *never* use my own shoe to kill a bug. Gross.) and *WHACK*!!!!!!! I heard this loud crunch.....NOT. A spider. I saw this dark spot move up and up and up my wall. Wait a tic...I had JUST whacked that sucker hard and it was STILL moving? That made me freak out even more and finally I called to my siblings because I had this hard-shelled spider moving around my room and it couldn't be killed. They came in to rescue me (they were only mildly irritated) and it turns out....... It was a june bug. :) HAHA!!!!!!!!!!! So from then on, June bugs sicked me out too.

Greatest Fears - Bethany Style


Holy smokes, where do I even begin?? I was so gullible as a child (well, I suppose I still am, though I prefer the term "trusting") and I was just such an easy target.

I remember a hole in the wall of our front room - the doorknob had rammed into the wall a few too many times and left a hole just big enough to put the tip of your finger through. I thought spiders lived in there, and I'm pretty sure all three of my older brothers verified it for me at one point or another. I avoided that thing like the plague.

There was also a hole in the ceiling of our downstairs bathroom from water that had leaked near the shower. Every time I stepped into the shower, I was ducking, leaning away from and looking like an idiot trying to keep away from that thing. Spiders lived there, too, you know. I was sure of it.

Then, the Petersen girls were staying at our house for a week or so, and TiNille told me a ghost story about a doll that came to life every night and eventually killed it's innocent girl owner. I was holding my very favorite doll, and she told me it LOOKED JUST THAT LIKE ONE!!! I nearly died crying from fright. I'm pretty sure my mom wasn't too thrilled with this one, as I never played with that dolly ever again. (I'm over it now. Love you, TiNille!)

I don't think I was ever really afraid of the boogey man or monsters in the closet (that I can remember), mostly just spiders, dolls and clowns.

Which reminds me, Stephen King's "IT" ruined me for life. I was so stupid to watch that show (over and over, no less) when I was a tweenager (I swear it was because I thought the kid who played the main character was so cute! What are they doing casting such cute boys in a show young girls should not be watching?!!). Sewer drains and showers were both incredibly difficult for me to maneuver for a long, long time after that whole phase.

I'm sure there is much, much more, but these are the things that first came to mind.

And Nick, I don't mind having this blog public. Anyone who may stumble upon it wouldn't know what in the world we were talking about in the first place! Love you all!

Greatest Fears


I hope you don't mind that I put this under a new post rather than a comment. Love this post. I thought you were the brave one and now here I find out that you were as frightened as me. I also know now that Bob was behind so much of this. Of course, I was afraid of Steve Kelly too and so many more.

From Myrna
First of all, Love the photos Courtnie. Thanks so much. As to my greatest fears. Well the one thing that I was truly scared of was the closet in our room (Kris and mine) there was this opening covered up by a board in the ceiling. I was sure there was something up there and of course Bob would validate my fears. I think that is where Kris and I got so paranoid about the boogey man. (from Bob!) Also, I was very afraid of mentally ill people, because that was for real! One night, Lynette came into my room, (can't remember if Kris was there or not, I don't think so) Anyway, she was acting mentally ill big time! Bent over and walking wierd and making horrible gutteral sounds. I was so scared that I called for my Mom. Well, there was mom behind her, just laughing her head off. I still remember this and couldn't beleive that my mother would not protect me! I DID NOT think it was funny in any way and was very put out that they did that to me! Funny your memories and what sticks into your mind, That is why seeing Physcho (remember that movie) just absolutely scared the socks off me! That last view with that son turning around in that chair, I still remember. Didn't like that movie at all, but had to watch it at a sleeping party. ugh (If you haven't seen it, be prepared to be scared!)
Aunt Myrna

May 26, 2009 11:28 AM

Boogey man


The boogey man was definitely the most frightening thing I remember. We lived outside of Delta and I had an overexcited imagination. I didn't dare sleep alone and I knew the boogie man was under my bed. I would turn the light on and put the covers just up under my eyes so I could see if anything was coming to get me. I didn't even dare let one of my limbs fall to the side of my bed for fear the boogie man would get me. I grew up with a lot of different fears, not exactly sure where they came from but now I am so greatful to a God who takes away our fears.

May 24, 2009 1:26 PM

My Greatest fears!!


first off; notice the question at the top of the page? you all should answer these, because it is a great way to remember things as well as let all of us get to re-know each other.
The question: what were my greatest fears as a child?

I remember that I used to be terribly afraid of the Stay Puff'd Marshmallow Man from the movie Ghostbusters. I used to also be afraid of the movie "Three men and a baby" because My sister used to tell me there was a ghost on it, and would pause the movie at the point in which the ghost made his cameo.

I have always been very much afraid of heights, and the "normal" stuff, I know my mom has tried to take blame/credit for them, but i think i've probably done that to myself.

~I know this question is a fun one, so I'm anxious to see everyones answers!

Love you all,

P.S. let me know if you all want to make this a private blog, or if you are all fine how it is.

How to Post a blog!!


Hey everyone, sorry it's taken so long on the requests about how to post a blog. we've been a little busy but.. hopefully life is getting back on track. Anyway, some of us are struggling on how to post on this great blog, so i thought I would make a simple post on how to blog, and post a new post.

first off, make sure you are at

click the Links for instructions

  1. first step
  2. second step
  3. third step
  4. fourth step

Hopefully this works, and good luck!


Hey Lynette, join us. we're having fun. I know you are busy, but we would love to hear from you.

See Bob dance. See Diane dance. Dancing is fun. We love to have fun.

The Print


Dad and Mom had such a love for words and what an impact that had on my life. I recently watched the movie '7 Pounds', and although the film was touching, I lost track of everything in the movie when the Printing presses were shown (I will not go into the movie storyline, for those who have not seen it.).
Floods (literally floods) of memories came to mind and I hope by the YouTube clip,( get an idea of the sounds that Bob, Lynette, Myrna, and I grew up hearing.
Even the smells of the Chronicle came to mind. The mind is a wonderful thing.
Sometimes I am overwhelmed with memories and don't have the words to speak (wouldn't mom have fun with that one).



I cannot believe it - I'm in (I think!) I just sent an email to Nick asking for help and then started tinkering around and somehow got to this spot - I'm so proud of myself!!
First of all - I absolutely love Delta Utah and am so grateful I grew up there in a rather benign, sheltered atmosphere and raised by loving parents. Three wonderful sisters were there to help me also - great girls all of them - I know mom and dad had their hands full with me so fortunately Lynette, Myrna, and Kris were all relatively "worry free" for their parents. Mom would frequently say, "Bob Jr when you grow up, if that ever happens, and get married, if that ever happens, I hope you have all boys - just like you!" Well somehow I did get older - I guess I've never really "grown up" - but, to mom's chagrine, we had all girls - YUK!!
What a precious place is old dirty, dusty, dank, dreary, dry, Delta - I have nothing but great memories of that place. Hunting, fishing, camping, exploring the west desert and some nefarious activities in and around Delta that perhaps I can comment on in the future.
Well I am at work and cannot write much more now but hopefully I will be able to duplicate whatever I did to get into this "posting" site and write some more later.

Oops! Leona


I'm on a roll today and just have to write something about Leona.
How could you not love Leona? She was one sweet woman and I loved going to visit her. She was fun, alway game to do whatever anyone wanted to do! When she and daddy got married, of couse I was apprehensive.
I mean, she wasn't my mother! We lived in Montana at the time and Dad and she came to visit for some of their honeymoon. I loved her right off. she was so easy to be around. And my kids just absolutley adored her.
She always remembered every birthday, holiday etc. I remember her sending pj's for all the kids for Christmas until they got so many grandkids that it wasn't possible. But she never forgot the kids.
She was so good to Daddy. he wasn't always easy to live with especially when he lost his voice (who could blame him!) But she was patient with him. She loved her coke. I remember she would have to go after one every day and she had alot of friends.
She and Daddy's home was so comfortable and I remember they always had peanuts for the kids. They would go straight for them every time.
I remember when Daddy was dying and he was in the front room. All of us kids had gathered to see him one last time and to plan the funeral. She politely just moved her chair back from the bed and let us move our chairs up close to our Dad and reminisce. She just sort of stayed in the background that long night and let us cry and laugh. I thought that was so compassionate. She just instinctively knew that we needed time with him like that and she gave it freely.
She came to so many of our kids weddings except Sarah's because she wasn't around. I remember her at Robert and Melanie's wedding. and more especially at Cassie's wedding. she just sort of sat in the background, but Jim loved to visit with her. Oh I miss her so much!
I remember she would be at every missionary farewell and report she could get too. She was a true Grandmother in every sense of the word.
I still miss her and always will.

Love Aunt Myrna

Leona Anderson Riding


Grandmom Riding


I remember Grandmom Riding so well. she was so pretty even at an older age. She would give us 2 dollar bills for our birthdays, which I am doing with my grandchildren. Great idea and the kids love it.
She was a wonderful cook. I loved going to her house and watch her color TV. She insisted on being called Grandmom not Gramma. don't know why?
She loved to show us of all her travels. Her and Grandad traveled alot after they retired. Europe, Hawaii, Samoa, Rome and she would bring back lots of pictures.
In her later years, she lived in that assisted living building that used to be the hospital. She was so funny. She loved chocolate and Uncle Kennard wouldn't let her have very much. well, that irked me, because I think when you get over 90 yrs old, you should have all the chocolate you want! So I mailed her a big box of chocolates. So there!
Any time you would go visit she would touch her toes for you and tell you she doesn't need glasses. She also said that Joseph Smith appeared to her and told her that she didn't need to pay tithing any more! so cute.
You could tell, she was losing it, but she was still healthy. she told me of the day Grandad died. He had been mowing the lawn and doing alot of outside work. He came in and showed her how to clean the fireplace etc. which she couldn't understand as it was summer time.
Anyway, they sat down to watch football (which she absolutely loved!)
and his head hit her shoulder and he was gone. He'd told her earlier that he didn't think he had too much time left. What a blessing, I hope I go that way. I loved her candy at Christmas. She would put a big box together for us and she was some cook! She was a very beautiful, kind woman. That''s how I remember her.
One of the last times I saw her was at the Delta Cemetery on Memorial day. she was showing anyone who would listen to her that she could touch her toes. She also would go up to random people and ask them "do you know me?" I"m Ardella Riding ,and off she would go with all her stories.
She was such a cute old lady. Lots of pizazz!
Anyone else with some memories of this wonderful woman???

Love you all Aunt Myrna

ps-Amera, just wanted to thank you for the suggestion as to find out who wrote what blog. Also good luck on the new baby. I think Kris said it's a girl! When is she due???

Mama Pyland


Okay, now I'm switching from the Riding side to the Pyland side. Short post, but I remember when mom and I were in Arkansas and Mama Pyland was in the hospital. She was a little disorientated and looking in the mirror, she said, "who's that old Indian standing over there"? I also remember the hairs on her chinny chin chin. Oh please my children...........................don't leave me in a hospital bed with hairs on my chin. Love ya forever...............


Weekly question 01


my memory of my oldest relative has to be about Great Grandma Riding. I loved going to her house, because that meant all those really non-tasty candies i could eat. see's I think they were. I also remember she had the most uncomfortable couches that seemed to be really itchy, like a real stiff fabric... you'd think that the older someone gets the more comfy their furniture would get? it's like rigamortis set in on her couches. I remember seeing her once at the grocery store, and helping her find orange juice and for some reason, she really remembered that, and always reminded me of it.


Fresh ideas for Old memories


So I've been thinking of making our family blog a little more post/comment friendly.. I think I will try to write a new question every week that will encourage us all to post their own memories, sort of a weekly topic. I will try to post weekly and please please remind me if I forget.. but i will think of some good questions weekly that will spark our memories of the history of our family.

This week, my question to us all is:


Blog update


Hey everyone, this is Nick, it has come to my attention that some of our older generation have been wanting to participate, but lack the know how as to how to post. if you are reading this and you feel that you are that person. I am sorry, and I love you!

i am going to make a little step by step as to how to post:
first off, you need to send me your email so I can add you to the list so you can post. My email is and you can ask me any questions as well.

1) when you log on, you will be able to access the "new post" feature of the blog. just click the new post button and start blogging,
2) write what you want to write, and don't forget to add a title.

~as you write, the blog will automatically save the blog, so if you forget to publish it it's okay, it should save it. but when you are done, just push the publish post. and you are done!

Now.. if this is too difficult, don't worry, you can always email me your story that you want to post and I can always post it for you, if that is easier, that is totally fine.

Hope everyone is doing well, can't wait for some future riding reunion!!

Love you all,

Little Brass Bell


Oh, how I long for that little brass bell. The little brass bell that mom used to signal me she needed something. It could’ve been to help her sit up straight, or maybe change the channel on the television, or perhaps just to know I was close by. It was at night that I heard that bell the most. Seemed like I would just doze off and there is was. Usually she needed to try and “tinkle”, most of the time that too was a failed attempt. How she must have hated relying on someone else to help her with such a private thing. But there was that bell. I can’t tell you how often I wanted to hide it. Now as I write, I am once again missing my mother. Maybe it’s the whole Mothers Day thing coming up, but she is definitely on my mind. When mom died, I wanted that little bell buried beside her and that is what I did. Oh, how I long for that little brass bell.

Happy Mothers’ Day

Love, Aunt Kris

By the way, I forgot to clarify something. I did pinch my sister and I hope she has forgiven me and that she knows how very much I love her. Siblings!!!!!!!!
Where on this earth would we be without family.


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