My Visit to Delta


Last weekend my inlaws were going to Delta for a wedding reception and wanted to know if we would come along. I was excited to go back to Delta cause I hadn't been back for a really long time. When we first drove into town all the good memories came flooding back. We went to the reception and I talked to a couple of little old ladies and asked if they knew any of my gramparents. They knew all of them. I loved chatting with them and hearing their stories of my sweet grammas. One of the ladies I talked to knew Gramma Leona really well and even was in a club with her and went to the ball games with her. She told me that she was one of those people that made everyone feel special. It was nice to hear that, because that is also how I have always felt about Gramma. I also heard how Gramma Moody was such a wonderful woman in the community. It was fun to go to Delta and remember the past and our sweet gramparents that have passed on. It made me miss them, but also just made me thankful to have had them in my life.


jackson said...

yes Sarah, you were blessed with sweet sweet grandmothers. Quite a legacy. I am so thankful to have had both of them in my life.

jackson said...

Lynette, sometimes you have to hit post comment twice and even 3 times before it posts. I don't know why, but I just keep hitting the button until it does :)

Courtnie said...

Sarah! That is great you were able to go out there! I am hoping to go for a road trip out there myself soon! Being able to live in Delta for a couple of years was great because I was able to see how much respect that community has for our grandparents. Amazing people, we are truly blessed to have had them in our lives.

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