Missing Grandma Moody


I've been thinking a lot about Grandma Moody lately. I'm not really sure why, but I've been missing her so. Jonathan and I were talking the other night about our grandparents and Grandma Moody was forefront in my mind. I was trying to tell him a bit about her and for as much as I remember of her I still couldn't say whole lot. I was truly saddened by the fact that she passed away when I was so young, because some memories do fade. Some are so vivid and alive in my memory and yet some are so vague. I'm sad that I didn't get to grow up with her and get to know her better.
However, it's fulfilling for me to know that even though I didn't get to grow up knowing much of her, she knows who *I* am. She may not have been physically here with me, but she's seen me grow and become who I am today. And I may not have had much time spent with her here on earth, but I have had such a wonderful part of her in my life: My mom. My mother is such a great example to me of who Grandma Moody was. And for that I am grateful.
I'm so happy we have this blog! It lets me see so much of who we are as a family and as individual people that I otherwise wouldn't have known.


1 Comentário:

Kris said...

Precious words Cassie. I love this family too.

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