Hey everyone, just trying out a new look for the family blog, let me know if you like it, and if you don't... let me know!
As you may know, this layout doesn't have the upper right navigation bar that allows you to go to your dashboard, or write a new post... but on the left of this post. there is a "click here to write a new post" link, if you clike it, it takes you to the "New Post" area.
Hope you all are doing great, and hope to hear more great stories, with the Holidays ahead, I know we are all busy, but now is a great time for family, and a great time to share great memories.
So feel free as always to share your memories with us all!
Love you all, Nick
NEW LOOK (good? bad?)
| author: Nick JarvisMissing Grandma Moody
| author: CassieI've been thinking a lot about Grandma Moody lately. I'm not really sure why, but I've been missing her so. Jonathan and I were talking the other night about our grandparents and Grandma Moody was forefront in my mind. I was trying to tell him a bit about her and for as much as I remember of her I still couldn't say whole lot. I was truly saddened by the fact that she passed away when I was so young, because some memories do fade. Some are so vivid and alive in my memory and yet some are so vague. I'm sad that I didn't get to grow up with her and get to know her better.
However, it's fulfilling for me to know that even though I didn't get to grow up knowing much of her, she knows who *I* am. She may not have been physically here with me, but she's seen me grow and become who I am today. And I may not have had much time spent with her here on earth, but I have had such a wonderful part of her in my life: My mom. My mother is such a great example to me of who Grandma Moody was. And for that I am grateful.
I'm so happy we have this blog! It lets me see so much of who we are as a family and as individual people that I otherwise wouldn't have known.
Mom - The Hostess
| author: KrisLast weekend I had invited some friends from my church for a Sunday dinner. As I was preparing it (meatloaf, red potatoes, and green beans cajun style), my thoughts turned to mom and the gift she had in entertaining people. Now keep in mind, I do not cook too often but memories flooded back and I became my mom for that afternoon. It was important to me to make sure everyone invited was comfortable in my home, that the table (although small with mismatched dinnerware)was properly set, and that I was ready to serve in any way needed. I remembered mom and I felt like mom.
You know the old saying "I've become just like my mom" was never so true but in a very positive way. I am so thankful that it was important to mom to teach us to respect those around us. What an awesome mother we had, don't you think? Now if I can just consistently save and wash out the bread bags I would be set, oh and fold the tin foil for later use.